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Having shiny, lustrous, long hair is something which every women wish and they try various products to make this happen.
But there’s one thing that most women don’t realize or understand: diet plays a major role in how your hair looks.
The food that we eat plays role in how our skin, hair, nails, and body look. Certain food items are counted among the best food for hair growth and thickness.
If you want to know about these best food for hair growth and thickness, then keep reading.
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Food for hair growth and thickness
1. Coconut water
Coconut water is not only good for your skin but hair as well. It has lots of vitamins which help in keeping your hair strong and healthy. This superfood is great because it can also help in making your hair thicker.
2. Yogurt
I would say that yogurt is one of the most amazing foods out there. It has so much to offer in terms of health benefits.
If you eat yogurt regularly you’ll see a great difference in your digestive system and it will improve your health. Not just this, it’s an amazing food for hair growth and thickness.
You must try to include it in your daily diet so that it can help you in making your hair and skin beautiful.
If you don’t like eating plain yogurt, you can have it with fruits and make a delicious fruit salad. Or, you can have it with oatmeal and peanut butter.
3. Carrots
Most people know that this food item sis superb for eyes, but few people know that carrots are great for hair as well. It has vitamin A which is perfect for boosting hair growth.
You can drink it as a juice or eat it if you like the taste.
4. Seeds
There are variety of seeds which can help you in making your hair thick and shiny. Try to include flax seeds, chia or sunflower seeds in your diet as these are the best food for hair growth and thickness.
You can also add them to the smoothie bowls or morning juices if you like. Try to include them in your diet as they have omega 3 fatty acid which is good for hair.
Seeds are also very rich in vitamin E which helps in boosting the growth of hair.
Quick Tip: Using homemade hair mask works best when you take care of your hair regularly. Here’s a step by step guide on how to do hair spa at home and make your hair soft and shiny.
5. Sweet Potatoes
Having sweet potatoes can help in hair thickness and growth because these have vitamin A.
You can make a simple yet delicious recipe by boiling them and adding some spices like black pepper, cinnamon and black salt for taste.
You can also include them in your meal recipes to get benefit of this superb food for hair growth and thickness.
6. Citrus Fruits
Include limes, oranges and peaches in your diet as these fruits are rich in vitamins and help in boosting beautiful skin as well as hair.
Having these fruits regularly is good not only for hair growth but also for providing essential vitamins to your body.
7. Nuts
Nuts like walnut, almonds can be a really rich source of protein and help in making your hair beautiful.
Besides hair benefits, nuts are also great because they offer multiple health benefits. They can keep you feeling full and help in avoiding over eating.
8. Fish
Among the list of food for hair growth and thickness, fish cannot be forgotten. Fish contains omega 3 fatty acids, and this can be very helpful in making your hair healthy.
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9. Avocados
These have vitamin E which promotes the growth of hair. No only this, avocados are great for those who want to eat healthy and change their lifestyle.
Avocados also have the essential fatty acids which are also beneficial for skin and hair.
10. Berries
Having different types of berries is good for your health as well as beauty. Berries are among the best food for hair growth and thickness.
If you want to make your hair thick, glossy and beautiful then include berries in your diet.
In this post you found the best food for hair growth and thickness, so try to include them in your diet and enhance your hair health.
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